Friday, July 5, 2013

Goodbye, Reader.

The announcement about Reader's shutdown came as a shock to me. Even though I work for the company that produced and hosted it all these years. There were enough people shocked by the decision who voiced their opinions loudly to no avail, so I did not waste my energy doing that. Instead I decided to enjoy the time remaining, in what way I could.

And now my dear friend has passed on, to Software Heaven.. I miss you, Google Reader. From June 30 onwards, I watched Facebook streams carefully to see who else seemed to miss you. Apparently not many of my friends. None wrote a word about you. Perhaps we made the right decision after all. Perhaps there werent that many that were using you. Which obviously, in our world, means demise. But if it makes you feel better, I have tried Feedly, and it is not very good. Maybe that will make you smile from Software Heaven?

But your death got me thinking.
About Software life, death and afterlife. It is just like Human life, death and afterlife.

Maybe when I reach my human afterlife (and I am in no hurry to, but when I do), I will get to read with you again?